Crystals,  Guides

Crystals for Spring and the Spring Equinox

Can you believe it’s March already? I don’t know about you, but I’m so glad to be almost out of the darker days and I’ve loved seeing all of nature start to wake up again!

As nature starts to stir from its winter slumber, it’s the perfect time to tap into the rejuvenating energy of crystals. So, let’s dive into some sparkly suggestions that are perfect for those Spring Equinox / Ostara vibes!

Before we start to chat about our recommended crystals, let’s talk about crystal eggs.
Egg-shaped crystals are like little energy wizards! They have this amazing ability to mold and channel energy, kind of like a sculptor shaping clay. The more pointed end is like a secret weapon for reflexology and acupressure too, so it can also double-up as your self-care bestie!

And when life gets a bit overwhelming, these egg-shaped beauties are like a comforting hug for your hands.

These magical crystals aren’t just pretty to look at either —they’re also total game-changers for anyone craving a fresh start. Think of them as your personal cheerleaders, sprinkling a bit of miracle dust to help smooth out those tricky transitions and guide you through transformative moments.

And let’s not forget about the symbolism behind the egg shape itself. It’s all about rebirth and new beginnings, like a little reminder that every ending is just the start of something beautiful. So, if you’re ready to embrace the magic of new beginnings through Spring, why not let an egg-shaped crystal be your trusty sidekick on this incredible journey called life?

Fancy adding an egg-shaped crystal to your collection? You can view all our pieces by clicking here.


So let’s get on to the Spring-time vibed crystals……

Moss Agate.

This lush green stone is like a direct line to Mother Nature herself. It’s all about prosperity, growth, and abundance, making it the ideal companion for nurturing your inner garden of dreams. Plus, it’s perfect for adding a touch of earthy elegance to your outdoor spaces!
To find out more about gardening with crystals, click here to read one of our most popular blogs.


With its fresh, spring-like hue, Chrysoprase is like a breath of fresh air for the soul. It’s the ultimate crystal for new beginnings, offering a gentle nudge towards positive change and renewal. Keep it close to infuse your days with a sense of vibrant possibility.

Rose Quartz.

Rose Quartz is the ultimate symbol of love and compassion. As the world around us bursts into bloom, Rose Quartz reminds us to pause and appreciate the beauty of new life unfolding. It’s like a warm hug from Mother Nature herself.

Green Aventurine.

If you’re looking to deepen your connection to the natural world, Green Aventurine has got your back. This serene stone brings a sense of understanding and harmony, making it the perfect ally for tending to your garden or simply soaking up the wonders of the great outdoors.


Carry that sunshine energy in your pocket, whatever the weather with Citrine. This sunshine-vibed crystal brings warmth and vitality wherever it goes. Whether you’re chasing your dreams or embarking on a new adventure, it will infuse your journey with optimism and enthusiasm.


Sodalite is very good at helping us to clear out old energy, and also offers you support when you’re clearing your space, either inward or within your environment. It can also help provide inspiration when you need it – perfect for when you’re stuck with getting started on that spring-cleaning or new project!


Last but certainly not least, Amazonite is all about finding balance and harmony within yourself. As the world outside bursts into bloom, this soothing stone reminds us to tend to our own inner gardens with love and care.

Do you have any favourite spring-time crystals? Do you give your crystal collection a spring-clean or revamp like you do with your make-up or clothes? Let me know in the comments.

If you enjoy creating alters for your crystals and spring-time items, why not add a couple of our yellow or green candles and some seasonal flowers like daffodils, tulips or daisies?

If you’d like to read more information on each of the crystals listed, you can do so by clicking the images above the descriptions.

Thanks for reading!

Love and light,
The Little Crystal Lounge



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