Crystals,  Guides

Crystals for Gardens and Potted Plants – updated for 2024!

Have you ever wondered how you can take your potted plants to the next level?
Well, we’ve got an exciting tip for you! Adding crystals to your plant’s soil can work wonders for their overall health and growth.

Gardening with crystals can be of wonderful benefit to both yourself and your plants.
It’s a practice useful for both gardening beginners and those with green fingers, and even if you’re not really a believer in the healing benefits of crystals and stones, they can add a wonderful visual effect to your green space. And it’s so simple to bring them into your environment – you just need to either place them within the soil in the ground, in your plant pots or window boxes or place on the surface of the soil.

This is a list of my favourite pieces to get the best out of your garden.
(To see what crystals we have available to boost your green fingers, please click on the images)

Green Moss Agate.

Known as the Gardeners stone, Green Moss Agate is the perfect stone to place within your garden if you’re a beginner, or if you struggle to get a garden started. It carries with it the energy of fertility, abundance and transformation in all living things that are around it. Just having a piece on you whilst tending to your plants, flowers or herbs will be enough to boost plant fertility and overall vigour.
Adding a Green Moss Agate crystal to your potted plants can bring a multitude of benefits. It will help you become connected to the earth and nature, and keeps everything more grounded (included you). Not only does it add a touch of natural beauty to your plant collection, but it also promotes healthy growth, and feeds positive energy and vitality to plants and flowers, and pieces look amazing in fairy gardens and succulent gardens. This crystal has a special connection with nature, boosting the overall vitality of your plants and helping them thrive. So why not give it a try and let your plant babies bask in the loving energy of a green moss agate crystal? Your plants will thank you with vibrant leaves and blooms!

Green Aventurine.
Green Aventurine

Green Aventurine is known for its positive energy and its ability to attract and amplify nature’s nurturing qualities. By placing one of these crystals near your potted plants, you can create an environment that promotes growth, resilience, and vitality.
This wonderfully green stone helps plants recover from the shock of being moved or transplanted to another area as the energy from Green Aventurine encourages whatever environment it’s placed in to flourish, making it perfect for plants, and it also boosts the longevity of your leafy babies. So, if you’re looking for a natural way to give your plants a boost, consider adding a green Aventurine crystal to your plant family.

Clear Quartz.

Clear quartz crystals are known for their ability to amplify energy and bring balance into our lives.
By placing a piece in your potted plants, you are creating a harmonious environment that encourages proper growth and stimulates vitality. This crystal’s positive energy can also help your plants absorb nutrients more efficiently, resulting in stronger stems, vibrant leaves, and even more blooms to brighten up your space!
Plus, it’s so simple to do – just gently bury the crystal in the soil near the roots, and let the magic unfold!

Citrine (heat treated or natural).

This stone is wonderful for gardening as it holds the sun’s energy, making it perfect for popping on top of your soil by your plants. Not only do Citrine crystals look absolutely stunning, but they also bring some amazing benefits to your plant babies! Citrine is known to promote positivity, abundance, and success. By placing a Citrine crystal near your potted plants, you can create a positive and energetic environment that encourages growth and flourishing as it helps to clear away any negative energies, and also help with regeneration!  When placed in the far back left corner of your garden or home, this crystal will also invite abundance and wealth within your environment!

Tiger’s Eye.

Adding a Tiger’s Eye crystal to your plants can enhance their overall growth and vitality. This beautiful crystal is known for its grounding and protective properties, providing a stable and nurturing environment for your leafy friends.
By placing one in your plant’s pot (never bury in the soil, it is best off being kept on the surface), you can stimulate root growth and encourage stronger stems and leaves. Tiger’s Eye crystals also absorb and transmute negative energy, creating a harmonious and positive atmosphere for your plants to thrive in. They can help promote emotional balance and boost your green babies’ immune systems, making them more resistant to diseases and pests. So, if you’re a gardening beginner or a seasoned plant enthusiast, why not give your potted plants a little extra TLC with a Tiger’s Eye crystal? They’ll thank you with even more vibrant and flourishing leaves!

Rose Quartz.
Rose Quartz Tumbled
Placing Rose Quartz to your plant pots, especially roses, can have some amazing benefits.
Rose Quartz, known as the stone of love, brings a gentle and soothing energy to your plants. When placed in the soil, it promotes healthy growth, encourages blooming, and enhances the overall beauty of your roses. Not only that, but Rose Quartz also has a calming effect on both you and your plants, reducing stress and creating a peaceful environment.
Simply place a tumbled or raw piece of this crystal near the base of your rose plant or bury it slightly in the soil. As you water and care for your roses, the crystal’s energy will infuse the soil, promoting a sense of peace and tranquillity for your plants. So, give your roses some extra love and watch them flourish with the magic of Rose Quartz!

Fuchsite is extremely magical when it comes to gardens. Not only does Fuchsite enhance the beauty of your green babies, but it also brings some fantastic healing properties.
Although it’s best not to add it to your plants or anywhere where it can get wet, by placing Fuchsite around your plant pots, you’re infusing your plants with its positive energy, helping them thrive and flourish. It’s like giving your plants a little boost of self-confidence!
Having this stone on you will boost not only your gardening abilities, but also the fairy-folk will be extremely happy!
Fuchsite is also known to attract abundance and prosperity, making it a perfect crystal for those of you who are looking to achieve success in your gardening journey. So why not give it a try? Simply place a small tumbled stone near your plants. Your green babies will thank you, and you’ll enjoy the beautiful energy it brings to your space.
** Carry a piece with you when you take a trip to the garden centre and it will help draw you to the perfect plants and flowers for your home or garden.


Adding Moonstone to your plant pots can bring some amazing benefits, especially if you’re gardening following the Lunar planting method.
Moonstone, with its ethereal glow and connection to the moon, is believed to enhance the energy of plants and promote growth. It is said to have a calming effect on both plants and their caretakers, helping to create a harmonious and peaceful environment in your garden. So if you’re a gardening beginner or simply looking to give your plants a little extra love, why not give Moonstone a try?

Just place a small Moonstone crystal in your plant pot or bury it in the soil, and let the magic unfold! Remember, gardening according to the phases of the moon can also offer additional benefits, such as increased yield and healthier plants. So why not combine the power of Moonstone with the natural rhythms of the lunar cycle? Moonstone is a symbol of fertility and if you place a piece in your garden overnight, especially under a full moon, your plants will be very happy and gives them a wonderful boost.
As it’s also a stone for new beginnings, have a piece near you when planting seeds or young plants to ensure it blossoms.

(Want to know more about gardening and the Lunar Planting method? I’ll be putting together a blog post explaining the process soon, so if you’d like to read it when it’s published, just leave a comment below and I’ll let you know when it’s on the blog)

So let’s embrace the magical world of crystals and their incredible benefits for our leafy babies!

These precious gemstones have the power to enhance the growth, vitality, and overall well-being of your plants so why not infuse your gardens and plant pots with a touch of crystal magic?

Whether you’re seeking to create a serene space or simply looking for a new way to connect with nature, experimenting with crystals is a delightful and rewarding journey. So, grab your trowel, select your favourite crystals, and get ready to witness the awe-inspiring transformation of your garden into a harmonious sanctuary for your beloved plants. Happy gardening, and may the crystal energies always bless your green thumb!


One Comment

  • Angela

    This is fascinating – I’m going to put my green aventurine in one of my pots that I’ve just replanted 😊💚 I love gardening, I found this article very interesting Kate, thank you 😊

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