The Sacred Self-Love Collection

£ 35.00

1 in stock


Welcome to our Sacred Self-Love Collection, where every element is designed to nurture your soul and enhance those self-love vibes!
Dive into a world of blissful relaxation and profound healing with our carefully curated selection of crystals and bath essentials.

Indulge in the soothing embrace of our Sensual Himalayan Bath Salt, crafted with Himalayan salt, 100% essential oils, coconut oil, and delicate rose petals. Vegan-friendly and filled with love, this luxurious blend is designed to cleanse your body and uplift your spirit, and awaken the divine goddess within you! There’s also a handy wooden scoop that you can use when it’s bath time!

Within this collection, you’ll find a treasure trove of crystals chosen for their powerful healing properties. There’s a raw Rose Quartz as well as a tumbled stone. Rose Quartz, known as the stone of unconditional love, promotes self-love, inner healing, and emotional balance. Feel its gentle energy surrounding you like a warm embrace, guiding you towards a deeper connection with yourself.

A raw Moonstone piece brings a touch of magic to your self-love routine. This mystical stone is associated with intuition, divine feminine energy, and emotional healing. Allow its ethereal glow to illuminate your path and awaken your inner goddess.

I’ve also included a Clear Quartz Point, a master healer that amplifies the energy of all other crystals. Clear Quartz is like a beacon of light, guiding you towards clarity, positivity, and spiritual growth. You’ll feel its pure energy cleansing and revitalizing your mind, body, and spirit.

Completing your self-love journey you’ll find Rose Quartz and Clear Quartz bead bracelets, serving as constant reminders of the love and light within you. Wear them as symbols of empowerment and self-care, embracing your divine essence with every heartbeat.
Embrace the power of self-love and healing with our Sacred Self-Love Collection. It’s more than just a bundle of products; it’s a journey towards greater self-awareness, acceptance, and love. Treat yourself or someone special to this sacred experience and let the healing begin.


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