Crystals for Autumn and the Autumn Equinox
Ahhh, the Autumnal months ? when the trees show us how wonderful it is to let things go by dropping its crunchy leaves to the ground, the cosy nights on the sofa with a movie or a good book, sparkly fairy lights and candles, warming colours and snuggly jumpers…..
There are so many wonderful things about Autumn, but it can also be a struggle to adjust to the change in seasons, as well as experiencing a drop in energy levels once the darker nights and colder days set in.
So here are my 5 favourite crystals for Autumn, along with why you should use them.
Citrine. Heat treated or natural.
Citrine is a great stone to have along side you, either in your pocket, your bra or just on a shelf. As it’s a solar stone, it can bring abundance and blessings, and can help you feel more energised and vibrant during the cooler months, especially when you might not be as active as you were in the summer.
This truly magnificent stone pushes you to seek the light and magic, even in the darkest of moments. It allows you to see the world as being full of opportunity rather than adversity, and will expand your mind so that you can see the magic in the universe and within yourself. It can also guide you through personal transformations and transitions.
The colder days and nights are the prefect time to use Moonstone as it helps you lean into the rhythm of the moon and the
seasons, leaving you less affected by the change is seasons. Moonstone is traditionally used for new beginnings and guiding us throughnew phases in our lives, making it a really useful stone to navigate us through the season change.
Get a boost of energy on the days that you’re finding a little more challenging than others with a piece of Carnelian. Thanks to its motivational energy, it’s the perfect stone to carry with you on the days when you’re craving a duvet day but you’re unable to. It’s also handy to have during cold and flu season and if you suffer from winter fatigue. And its colour gives off the perfect autumn leaves vibe!
Green Aventurine.
This is a great wellbeing stone which is perfect for when colds and the cold-weather blues are floating around. It’s also good for promoting harmony and balance, which so many of us needs during the seasonal changes.
As this stone is full of joy and the power of the sun, it’s perfect for when the nights grow colder and the days turn darker. It’s also a great stone for those who suffer from SAD (seasonal affective dissorder) as it adds warmth to those who aren’t able to adjust to the colder weather well.
Bonus crystals:
Garnet – great for helping to boost your energy levels if you’re suddenly feeling really tired during the darker days.
Red Hematoid – boosts motivation and increases energy. And its amazing colour is very Autumnal.
Pyrite – helps you to review your finances and business by encouraging action and looking at what’s working for you.
What’s your favourite crystal to use during Autumn?