
My Top 5 Crystals for Sun / Solar Witches

It’s Wednesday, which means it’s time for another #WitchyWednesday blog post!

This week was meant to be focused on my vision board that I’d put together earlier in the year for living my best life, which made no sense at the time, but since being awakened to the fact I’m a Sun Witch, it all fell into place as a huge part of my jigsaw. But as I typed out the thinking behind most of the sections it just didn’t feel like the right thing to share right now, as some parts are still quite personal in terms of my inner healing.
So today has a change of plan and it’s going to be focused on the crystals that us sun witches could find very useful, especially through the autumn / winter months. If you struggle with the change of seasons, but aren’t very witchy, these will also benefit you in some way as well.


I’m going to start with the most obvious stone first.
Sunstone carries the energies of the sun, so it’s one of the most beneficial stones to work with once the sun starts to drop.
It also matches us Sun witches perfectly – when it’s held up in the light you’ll suddenly notice lots of sparkles suddenly appear, which is the same for most of us – we all need a little encouragement from the sun to bring our sparkling inner gifts to light. Sunstone can also help to remind you that you that you already have all the magic inside of you.

Sunstone is a solar plexus / sacral chakra stone, so it will help you to connect to your creativity and confidence, and will also help you to feel more empowered to let your inner light sparkle and shine. It will guide you to realise that you need to stop hiding in the shadows because the world needs your magic right now. Let Sunstone help you to bravely show up, shine bright and share your unique magic with the world.
You can view all our Sunstone pieces here.

Red Hematoid / Hematite Quartz.
The loving and calming energy from this crystal will have you feeling cosy and safe in your home while the weather starts to turn and the cold chill hits the air. If you’re finding yourself feeling sluggish, low on energy or dealing with fatigue, you may find this crystal to be amazing to work with due to being strengthening, energizing and purifying.
To view all our Red Hematoid pieces, click here.

Citrine is another stone that holds the sun’s energy, and it’s a perfect stone for boosting your happy-vibes, which can dip once the sun starts to cool through autumn. When you’re starting to feel stuck in the lower vibrations, Citrine can shine a light and help burn away any darkness in your life. It will remind you that not all days will be bright and happy, but each day is an opportunity to find your sunny qualities that are within.
The more you work with this stone, the more you’ll adopt its sunny energy as it radiates light all around you.
You can view all our Citrine (natural and heat treated) here.

If you’re needing a boost of energy through the darker months, you may find Carnelian is the stone you need. Carnelian gets your inner fire burning, and its gift lies in igniting energetic flames under you in many magical ways. It also helps you to believe in yourself, so if you find that your confidence or self-esteem dips as the days grow darker, working with this stone can help give you a boost.
It’s immune-boosting too, so make sure you keep a piece close during cold and flu season!
You can find all of our Carnelian items here.

Green Aventurine.
This stone is a must-have for your collection as it can help you prosper in health, happiness and wellbeing. It can also boost calmness and tranquillity – perfect as we adapt to the change in seasons and what that means for our inner-being.
All of our Green Aventurine pieces can be found here.

Do you have any favourite stones for the colder months? Let me know in the comments which are your favourite.

I’ll see you next week for some more 2witchywednesday chat!
The Little Crystal Lounge

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