Crystals,  Guides

Should other people touch your crystals?

How do you feel about others touching your crystals? Do you love seeing other people embrace your favourite pieces or does the thought of them being handled by others give you the heebies?

Personally, I’m ok with Boe handling my personal collection, but not so much Ben. I’m not 100% sure why, as they’re both important members of my family and we all live in the same house. Maybe it’s because I know the magic which can happen when children and crystals meet? Or maybe it’s just a mind over matter situation ?

Allowing others to touch your personal crystal collection is very much a personal choice as there’s no right or wrong answer, unless you live in a culture which views crystals as sacred items. If they’re used for ceremonies and rituals, only the celebrant is allowed to touch them.

But what about any negative energy?

Some people worry about another person’s “negative” or “bad” energy rubbing off onto the crystal, leaving it “contaminated”, but someone else holding one of your crystals could also mean that they then develop a deeper liking for them. They might find some kind of connection, pulling them into the crystal world alongside you when they weren’t previously, so sometimes it’s good to share.

Crystals are highly intelligent so can recalibrate their energy accordingly, and you can always give them a quick cleanse afterwards if you’re worried about them after they’ve been held by someone else.
If you aren’t too happy to share your crystals, you could also let the person keep the crystal after they’ve held it, or if you don’t want others to touch them, you are well within your right to request they don’t.

It’s important to do what feels right for you, and the vibe you get from the person.
Let your intuition guide you at that moment.

Cleansing your crystals after they’ve been touched.

If someone has touched a crystal and you weren’t ok with it, here’s my three favourite “quick cleansing” practices:
Pop the crystal(s) on a Satin Spar Selenite cleansing plate or bowl – this crystal is fabulous for cleansing crystals.
Holding the crystal in the smoke from incense / Sage / Palo Santo for a few minutes. My favourite to use is Dragon’s Blood, as it’s very good at cleansing.
Pop your crystals out in the sunshine for an hour or two. Some crystals can fade when in direct sunlight, so only use this method sparingly, and don’t leave them out all day.

What side of the fence do you sit on? Do you enjoy others coming into contact with your pieces or would you prefer them to admire them from afar? Let me know in the comments.


  • Elaine Lee

    Crystals are a love of my life. They are the only things that can sustain positive energy. Do you know of any sage-like equivalent? I can’t handle the smell of it. I have tons of insense, but wanted to find something else besides sage.

    • Kate

      Hi Elaine, thanks for your comment 🙂
      Have you tried Palo Santo instead of Sage? You can also get some incense which is a mix of Sage and others, so you get the same cleansing from the Sage, but it’s not so overpowering as it’s mixed with other aromas and fragrances.
      Peronally I use Dragon’s Blood incense as I also struggle with Sage at times, so I highly recommend trying that if you’ve not so far 🙂

        • Kate

          Hi, that’s a great question!
          Selenite / Satin Spar doesn’t hold on to energies, so anyone can use your bowl without it having an affect 🙂

          • Donna Melillo

            Do you know where I can buy a Do you know where I can purchase a selling night bolt selenite bowl for holding burning sage?
            Please and thank you

          • Kate

            Hi Donna, you can buy Selenite bowls from our online shop if you’re within the UK, but they might become discoloured or damaged when used to burn sage so I’d use with caution for that purpose.

  • Elba

    I personally don’t mind if someone I know and trust touches my crystals. I feel that I am strong enough and a high frequency, high vibrational person that on the rare chance that someone’s ill intentios transfers onto my crystals my aura will quickly dispell and tranmuate that negative energy into a positive one as my crystal reconnects with my aura. Also, if I felt I need to cleanse my crystal right after someone touching them the quickes and best options is rinse them in cool water. I know there’s a lot of information out there that not all crystals are water friendly and while this may correct in some instances it’s more of a myth than fact. Rinsing a crystal quickly under runing water and even addng a drop of mild soap will not harm them and this includes soft crystals like Malachite and Satin Spar Selenite. The best practice is to make sure your crystals are bone dry after rinsing with water.

  • Carmon

    Hi. I have loaned my jewelry out to people who have requested my energy along with the specific crystal. I do a cleansing after I receive it back. So far my crystals have not shown any issues with this. 🙂

  • Arlene

    I don’t like it when people touch my crystal I believe it will project their negative energy onto them which I’m protecting myself from

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