Crystals For Sleep: 7 crystals that will help you get a more restful night
Restful sleep is such an important part of our health and wellbeing on so many levels.
Not having a good night’s sleep can affect us physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually, and so I’ve put together a list of my favourite crystals to help you have a better night in sleepy town.
** This blog post is an updated version from our 2021 sleep blog **
1} Amethyst.
Amethyst is one of the most popular crystals for helping with sleep. It helps to pacify an overactive mind and it emits a strong, tranquil vibration that helps to soothe you.
It helps bring peace of mind, and is the perfect stone for when you want to feel relaxed.
At the end of a hectic or exhausting day, Amethyst can help you find inner peace, regardless of the noise around you.
With its relaxing and calming energies, Amethyst helps to ease away any disturbances, distractions, or anything else taking up space in your mind. It will encourage you to replace the external noise with internal peace and quiet and it will help you tune into your inner peace at any time.
I’d recommend using an Amethyst cluster or a tumbled stone to help you get a peaceful night’s sleep. Clusters are wonderfully powerful, as the energy is emitted through each point in all directions like a disco ball, whereas a tumbled stone is perfect for slipping under your pillow.
You can view all our Amethyst pieces here.
2} Blue Celestite.
This gorgeous, blue crystal fills your room with harmonious energy. It is especially good for children and babies because of its pacifying effects, which help lull them to sleep. Adults can also gain the same effects from this subtle blue crystal.
Blue Celestite’s energy is as soothing and as calming as its appearance – the soft, cloud-like blue and white brings a gentle, calming energy into your bedroom to guide you into a deep sleep.
If stress or worry, or any other negative state of mind stops you from falling asleep, you should think of Blue Celestite as your ideal crystal of comfort. Much like your comfort blanket or teddy bear that you had as a child, this crystal shares a reassuring energy which will help you feel safe and secure by cancelling out stress and tension. Once your mind, body and spirit have been comforted, you’ll drift off to sleep.
You can view all our Blue Celestite pieces here.
3} Satin Spar (Selenite)
This is my personal favourite for helping me sleep, and I’ve been popping a piece under my pillow for a number of years now, and my sleeping pattern has improved hugely.
Satin Spar Selenite cleanses your mind, body and spirit, as well as your bedroom. Its gentle, pure energy will work wonders for a restful night’s sleep. It helps to wash away any energetic “grime” from yourself, as well as the worries or otherwise heavy energies that accumulate during the day and keep you up at night.
Any piece of Satin Spar Selenite will be of benefit, but as it’s such a soft and delicate crystal I’d recommend using a small tumbled stone if you’re wanting to put it under your pillow.
You can view all of our Satin Spar Selenite pieces here.
4} Labradorite
Another favourite for sleep, Labradorite helps you fall into a deep sleep. For sleep to be truly rejuventating, you need to sleep soundly, without interruption.
If you’re interested in dream work, Labradorite is the perfect stone as it helps us to tap into our dream state, and then bringing them to life so that we can remember them better.
If you struggle with mind monkeys at bed time, this is also a useful stone as it helps to calm them down, and lets anxious thoughts melt away.
It can also help us to let go of negative energy and thought patterns and all those other things that keep running around in our heads as soon as we hit the pillow.
You can view all our Labradorite pieces here.
Other crystals that people have found good for sleep:
Agate – this stone creates balance in your mind, body, spirit and space. When you’re more balanced, you’re more likely to get a better night’s sleep.
Howlite – has a gentle energy, but is fabulous at soaking up our worries and anxiety, as well as guiding us away from the frustrations of insomnia.
Rose Quartz – radiates warmth and soothing vibes which makes it perfect for helping us drift off to sleep by filling us with “everything will be ok” vibes.
Before getting started on using any of the crystals suggested, it’s worth having a look at the energy in your bedroom first. After you’ve addressed any of the issues in this checklist, you’ll then find you get more benefits from the crystals you’ve chosen.
~ is your bedroom cluttered? Bedrooms filled with clutter make your mind feel cluttered, which can have a huge impact on our sleep.
~ Have you cleansed your room lately? If not, burn some insance or sage, or use sound to energetically cleanse your space, remembering to keep your windows open.
~ Do you have mirrors, computers or a TV in your room? Ideally, these should be kept outside of the bedroom, especially mirrors – they can keep any strong energy in your ooom bouncing back and forth, and staying active while you sleep. If you cant remove them, then try and keep them covered with a sheet or curtain.
Do you use any of the crystals listed to help you with sleep? Let me know in the comments or over on our social pages if you have a favourite bedtime crystal.
If you’d like any guidance with finding the right crystals for your needs, please do get in touch – we have lots of items that can help with any kind of sleep issues and can easily put special sleep bundles together on request.
Rachael christian
Hi i live in widnes were is your shop.also do u do crystal healing mobile or at your shop.
Hi Rachael, thank you for your comment.
Unfortunately currrently I don’t have a physical shop – everything is online only. I’m not performing any person to person healing sessions at the moment due to Covid, but I do provide information on how to use each crystal at home with any orders