
Crystal Of The Month – January

Our first crystal for 2021 is the gorgeous Pyrite.Pyrite

Crystal Of The Month
Pyrite is the perfect crystal to carry with you into the new year as it is amazing at helping you attract wealth and helps you to radiate with a wealthy energy.

When you want to bring more money into your life, this is the stone you need – it encourages you to see your own worth which enables you to manifest more money, and it pushes you towards a wealthier future through lighting up financial posibilities.

It shines a light on opportunities that you may not have noticed before and energizes you to take full advantage of them. It encourages you to be confident and focused so you are better able to create the wealth you desire. It also helps you to identify your financial goals – when you know what kind of wealth you want to cultivate, you can then take the necessary steps in your career to make it happen.

You need to stay open-minded though as money can appear in unexpected ways, not just as a paycheck. It could be a tax rebate, a gift or a bonus at work. It may even come in the form of finding a new passion which turns into a money-maker!
When carrying a piece of Pyrite, make sure you keep watch for new financial opportunities.

Pyrite is also lights a fire in your belly to help burn through procrastination and self-doubt, giving you the courage to share your gifts with the world. This can be boosted when you sit with Pyrite during a meditation practice, and you may also find a boost of energy afterwards too.

Pyrite works at its best when stored in your workspace, or you can pop it in your purse, handbags or shop tills where it can menifest abundance and money. It’s an ideal stone for business and manifesting goals as it encourages you to be assertive with your intentions and take action on making your goals a reality.

If you’re needing to feel more grounded (which most of us do after the year that was 2020), Pyrite is also a good stone to work with. It’s very protective too.

You can order Pyrite on it’s own via our shop, and it also features in a number of our targetted bundles too, like the Money-Mindset bundle andd our Mercury Retrograde bundle. You can see them all here. Keep youe eyes peeled for more bundles on the way soon – especially if you’re currently working from home 😉

I hope you enjoyed reading a bit more about this sparkly stone. It’s certainly on my list of must-have crystals.
Are you a fan of this stone? Let me know in the comments.
The Little Crystal Lounge

One Comment

  • Marie Doherty

    I love my pyrite. I have a few pieces I got from The Little Crystal Lounge. I keep mine beside the computer where I work. I certainly notice the difference in myself when I have it around.

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