Lapis Lazuli Polished Point

£ 21.00

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Lapis Lazuli is the stone to reach for when you want to take control of your life, as it urges you to take the lead.
It empowers you to remember that you know what’s best for YOU and if you feel like you’re allowing your life to be directed by others, Lapis will help you step into the driver’s seat. It can empower you to trust yourself and live the life you choose. It allows you to step into your power and tap into your inner wisdom, leaving you feeling strong, secure and protected as you go about your day.

Lapis Lazuli also reminds you that words are powerful and it’s important to think before you speak. Concious communication allows you to speak thoughtfully so you don’t say something you wish you hadn’t.

If you look closely at a piece of Lapis, you’ll notice inclusions of various minerals, including Pyrite, which are the tiny specks that glisten when it catches the sunlight.

Ancient Egyptians used Lapis a lot as it was known as the stone of total awareness, offering protection and insight.
Cleopatra used to grind it down to wear as eyeshadow, and it was believed to have enhanced her spiritual conciousness. It’s also on the tomb of Tutenkhamun. It is a visionary stone, which will help you to develope your intuition and clarity to find creative solutions to problems as it activates the third eye and throat chakras.

If you find you experience self-sabotaging patterns, Lapis will support you in breaking these so that you can realize your highest potential.

Lapis is also said to help alleviate pain and inflamation, soothe headaches and migraines, support the nervous system, help with depression, vertigo and can lower blood pressure.

Measures approx 6.5cm

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