Chrysoprase Tumbled
£ 3.50
2 in stock
This springtime green stone just buzzes with the energy of new beginnings, fresh starts and blossoming potential.
If you’re in a period of transition or you’re wanting to manifest exciting new opportunities, Chrysoprase is a crystal for manifesting change.
It’s also a powerful stone for forgiveness, so spending time with a piece near your heart will help you release, forgive, and transform.
Wearing it as a necklace or tucked into your bra is an easy way to keep its energy near your heart, or place a piece over your heart chakra when you meditate.
If you feel disconnected from those around you, Chrysoprase can help bring you back to real connection. It encourages you to make meaningful, real-life, in person connections with others every day. It will give you the push to ask an old friend out for lunch, or invite a new acquaintance to take a walk. It’ll urge you to call a loved one and introduce yourself to people you meet through the day. It pushes you to make an effort to connect with others in small or big ways daily.
Working with Chrysoprase also encourages you to reconnect with people and things you have detached yourself from and reignite your desire to connect with others and prioritize those forms of connection that have been pushed aside.
Chrysporase also helps promote hope and the love of truth and brings universal energy into the physical body.
Mentally, Chrysoprase stimulates fluent speech and mental dexterity. It prevents you from speaking out impulsively in anger. It lifts oppressive and recurrent images, preventing nightmares, especially in children. It brings a sense of security and trust and is useful in healing codependence, supporting independence and also encouraging commitment.
Measures approx 3-4cm each
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