Abalone Shells – 15-18cm

£ 12.99£ 16.99


These Abalone shells are just delightful, with their pearlescent colours and shimmer.

Along with its dreamy and ethereal aesthetics, the abalone shell meaning comes from its connection to the ocean and it’s ethereal aesthetics, and its healing, calming energy.
Whenever you need security or protection, just gaze or hold your shell and imagine a wave of peace, beauty, love, and compassion wash over you like the waves of the ocean.

Abalone shells carry energies of protection and emotional balance. It brings a natural shielding that blesses the person holding it with tranquility.

Abalone healing is especially helpful for those going through emotional turmoil or those having a hard time dealing with a situation in a relationship. The healing properties of the Abalone shell help you to open and expand your conciousness, which can be very beneficial if you’re having relationship issues. Through its soothing energy, it provides a layer of protection the perks the spirit up with the confidence necessary to view situations from a new, more understanding perspective.
Known as the “ears of the sea”, Abalone shells connect us to the energy of the ocean, reminding us to be loving and gentle with our loved ones.

The calming benefits of Abalone shell become stronger when using alsongside meditation. When you fully embrace the Abalone shell properties in meditation, you will be able to take on its calm and balanced frequencies. Another way to boost the healing power of Abalone shell is to combine it with other energy amplifiers such as clear quartz, or setting it with an intention*

Abalone shell properties will connect to your higher chakras, such as the crown, third eye and heart. The mother-of-pearl that lines the Abalone shell, alongside the shell itself, is said to activate intuitive qualities like clarity in regards to situations, sensitivity and imagination.

Abalone shells make great bowls to burn sage in – in Native American cultures, they believe the shell and sage together will carry their messages up to heaven. If using your shell as a smudge bowl, you can protect it from any marks when burning sage by lining the bottom with a thin layer of sand. The sand also makes it easier to fan out buring sage and other clansing tools like Palo Santo.

Our Abalone shells are available in 2 sizes – to select the size you want, just use the dropdown menu.
Medium: approx 15cm
Large: approx 18cm

* if you’d like more information about setting intentions with your crystals and shells, why not join our Facebook group (here) or have a look at our Crystals For Beginners e-guide (here)

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