• Crystals

    Crystals for our Highly Sensitive Child

    Little Bug was just a baby when we first realised he was both an Empath and a Highly Sensitive Child (HSC). He struggled a lot with certain noises, busy restaurants or shops, found it hard to communicate with some people…

  • Whims

    10 Wonderful October Affirmations

    October is a month of change. Animals and creatures begin to hibernate (myself included lol), the leaves on the trees begin to change colour and fall to the ground, and everything starts to become more still and peaceful. We also…

  • Whims

    My Top Moon Quotes, Affirmations and Rituals

    Even though I’m a Sun Witch, I do love a Full Moon quote or affirmation, so I thought I’d share my favourites with you. Feel free to pin, download or share your favourites (just please don’t cut or remove my…

  • Guides

    Crystals for Anxiety

    One topic I get asked the most about from my customers and social media followers is what crystals are the best for helping soothe anxiety. I’ve suffered really badly with anxiety at various stages of my life, most recently when…

  • Crystals,  Guides

    Crystals For Fertility

    As someone who was diagnosed with infertility in my early 20’s, I’m no stranger to the fertility journey and all the emotions and stresses that it brings. I’ve used crystals to help with everything that comes under the fertility umbrella…

  • Crystals,  Guides

    Why Do Our Crystals Break?

    Today I want to share with you a little story that came about when one of my customers sent me a message. In her message, she wrote: “Kate, help! I’ve gone to pick up one of my crystals to and…

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