Crystals,  Guides

Why Do Our Crystals Break?

Today I want to share with you a little story that came about when one of my customers sent me a message.

In her message, she wrote:
“Kate, help! I’ve gone to pick up one of my crystals to and I’ve found it’s broken!
How has that happened?”

Crystals are “funny” little things.
I say funny….I don’t mean in a “funny ha-ha!” way, more in the way that they communicate so much with us in their own little way.

Crystals break from time to time. Sometimes it can seem like an accident, other times it can feel like the crystal has a mind of its own and just leaps out of your hand, or it just breaks without you realising.

Almost always, a breakage can mean your crystal trying to communicate with you.
(Apart from when my husband knocked a new delivery of pocket angels on the floor by accident….. that was more to do with him not paying attention to his surroundings 😉 )

These are the most common reasons why your crystal has broken:

  1. The crystal has done its job and is no longer needed.
  2. It’s time to move on to another crystal.
  3. It has become overwhelmed and needs a rest.

It can also mean your energy is not compatible with that crystal, or it’s time to share its healing properties or the love with someone else who needs it.

When I mentioned the above reasons to my customer, she revealed that she’d been using the crystal A LOT while she was going through a divorce, so it sounded like her crystal was simply overworked and had become overwhelmed.

The plus side of this crystal breaking was that she now had two pieces of her crystal, which meant she could spread the crystal energy in two separate areas of her home (or keep a piece at home and carry the other piece in her bag (being careful of any sharp areas).
Another nice silver lining to a crystal breaking is that you can also gift one of the pieces to a friend or family member who you think will benefit from some of its healing energy.

After having our chat, the customer decided that she’d gift her broken piece to one of her friends who’d recently had a death in the family and thought she’d probably benefit from having a piece of this crystal as well, which was a nice little end to the story.

If you’ve ever had a crystal break, what did you end up doing with your pieces?
I always love hearing from our community, so if you have a story to share about a broken crystal (or you have a question you’d like answered as part of our Q&A time, just send me a message via the contact us form or join our Facebook group)


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