Messages for the Week – 22nd March
Ahh….. Sunday. Probably our last day of “normality” today in the UK.
Schools are closed, mass gatherings have been cancelled, theatres, pubs and eateries have been closed….. it’s been a week of just strange events, hasn’t it?
But what does this week have in store for us? What messages are being sent to us?
Close your eyes and take a deep breath, and ask “what is my message for the week ahead?”
Open your eyes again and note the card number you’re first drawn to. This card holds youre message.
1, Moon. Take note of intuitive messages.
The Moon is strongly associated with the divine feminine and the energy of receiving. If the sun is God, then the moon is Goddess, and so she offers a powerful energy of polarity and balance. She has a cyclic energy and is therefore strongly connected to emotions, which often come and go in waves, and to somewhat interesting behaviour, so when the Moon appears in a reading, you are often being told that not everything is as it seems. The Moon has a dark side (just dark, not negative) and can show you what you’ve been kept in the dark about.
Lunar energies are surrounding your life, allowing you to understand what is standing in your way. Not everything is as it seems and you’re being guided to use your discernment. When the Moon appears, intuitive or psychic urges are increased, so take note of any feelings arising at this time. They are messages from your soul and angels. The Moon shines her light on all that has been kept in the dark, so ask yourself if you’ve been avoiding anything or refusing to deal with something of importance. If so, it could be holding you in the shadows when your destiny is to be in the light. If this card appears when you feel someone isn’t being completely real with you, you know that their intentions will be revealed to you. The Moon has no sectrets – she reveals all.
2, Heart Guardian. Love and let yourself be loved.
The Heart Guardian is an angelic energy that can help you call for protection and guidance with all issues surrounding the heart. This is essentially the angel who helps you with all relationships, whether they be with yourself, family or even a romantic connection. She can enable you to move beyond any limiting fears about trust, discern whom to trust and understand how you can move forward in a balanced relationship with that person. In this card she is adorned with a sacred heart and draped in a red cloak to show her capacity to let love lead the way.
You are love, lovable and loving. The energy of love is surrounding your whole world at this time. Angels are swirling around you, encouraging you to open your heart and reveal the blessings that you have to offer. They want you to know that you are a highly loveable being who deserves to give and receive love. If you are finding it challenging to feel love at this time, it’s important for you to give yourself credit where it’s due. You are also encouraged to welcome support from others. Learn to receive – don’t try and do everything on your own. If you are working on a relationship or are in a new relationship, this card can usher in energies that allow you to forge a powerful connection with your partner. Love is in the air!
3, Air Guardian. Shift your perception.
The Air Guardian represents the angels of the Air element. Traditionally Air is all about thoughts, thinking and everything that’s happening in the mind. So these angels can help you to overcome any thoughts that have come back to haunt you from the past and to change the way you think about certain situations, as this could be standing between you and greatness.
When this card arises, it’s an opportinity to learn about your way of thinking. You are being guided to recognize that not all you see is exactly the way you see it. Sometimes the mind can play games and sometimes our perceptions can be wrong. If you are being challenged or feel that there’s a lack of clarity and direction in your life at the moment, there’s a good chance the way you’re thinking or what you’re focusing on has a lot to do with reality. You go beyond any limits you have set for yourself and recognize that the way you see the world is how you expperience the world. Opportunities are moving in your direction, but they will only open up for you if you are ready to do the internal work to support them.
So they’re our messages for the week ahead. What number card did you pick? Did it resonate with you? Let me know in the comments or over on our Facebook page.
Wishing you all a wonderful week,
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