
Crystals for the Current Climate

There’s no denying it – we’re in very testing times right now in various parts of the world.

So I’ve decided to put together a list of crystals and stones I have available to help us with the current climate. To help those who are worried or stressed, or feel like they need a little grounding or to stop their thoughts running away from them.
Because, lets face it, we are currently in a zone of the unknown – will the schools close? Will this harm our business? When will the supermarket next have some decent ingredients for dinner in? Aside from the virus itself, emotions are all over the place. Which is what this list will help with. **Some of the crystals listed aren’t uploaded on to the website yet, but I’ll be working through that. If there’s no link you can still order them through messaging me on Facebook or via the contact us form**

So, enough chit-chat, let’s get down to it.

Crystals for worry and stress
1, Good old Black Tourmaline. This stone helps with fear and negativity. It’s also good the inner self and yin / yang balance.

2, Mookaite. Mookaite is a good stone to help with grounding. It can also help calm fear and depression.

3, Clear Quartz. A “feel better” stone that makes you feel happier and relieves negativity. It also channels any energy, which gives it the ability to help with any condition.

4, Amethyst. Amethyst helps calm the nerves, any tension and anxiety. It’s one of natures best stress relief.

5, Chalcopyrite. This stone is good for perception. It’s also good for the lungs, too. I have 2 of these available for £3 each.

6, Aventurine. Protects, calms and soothes emotions. It also aids relaxation and prevents energy vampires sapping all your energy away.

crystals to help with fear
1, Tiger’s Eye. Another of our “feel better” stones. Tiger’s Eye is good for intuition and sharpening the mind. It’s also good for balance, calm and grounding and helps with fear, worry, turmoil and negativity.

2, Carnelian. Helps with anger, fear and confusion.

3, Malachite. Brings calm and emotional balance.

4, Sunstone. This bright and cheeful stone helps with fears and stress. It also brings strength, energy and joy.

5, Apatite. This stone is amazing for helping with negativity.

Crystals for coronavirus
1, Chrysoprase helps with anxiety, depression, fear and stress. It also helps you to see through the mental fog.

2, Amazonite. This fabulous stone is incredibly soothing and calming. It helps with stress, nervousness and eases a troubled mind.

3, Green Fluorite helps clear negative energy from the room. It’s also good for cleansing the chakras and helps with emotional upsets.

4, Chrysocolla is another “feel better” stone. It’s also good for stress and tension. I have 5 of these available for £3.00 each

5, Unakite connects the base and the heart chakra, allowing you to move forward. It’s also good for being in the present moment, which would be helpful if you find your thoughts run away in to “what if” world. I have 10 of these available for £1.50 each.

Crystal healing
1, Rose Quartz is extremely calming and helpful during a crisis. It also helps reduce stress, tension and fear.

2, Mangano Calcite relieves anxiety, helps with sleep and brings love, peace and calming vibes.

3, Rainbow Obsidian connects with the root chakra, which helps us stay grounded. It can also help releive stress.

4, Labradorite is fab for mental sharpness and lets you see many possibilities at once. You may also find that insecurities, stress and anxiety lessen. Labradorite enhances the flow of energy between the aura and chakras.

chakras for calm
1, Onyx is good for yin / yang balance and connects you to your roots.

2, Rainbow Fluorite helps focus the mind and releases stress and anxiety. It can also create order in times of chaos.

3, Aquamarine brings calm, compassion and helps keep you centred.

4, Angelite helps with keeping you aware and protected and brings feelings of security.

5, Blue Lace agate is extremely gentle and calming and brings balance and emotional stability.

celestite kyanite lapis lazuli iolite
1, Blue Celestite helps remove stress, worries and dispare and is good for clear thinking.

2, Blue Kyanite brings calm and tranquility. It also aligns the chakras, freeing energy blocks.

3, Lapis Lazuli is one of our “feel good” stones. It brings wisdom, relaxation and helps disorganisation.

4, Iodite is one of our crystals that helps you to live in the moment, which helps with anxiety. I’ve got 6 available for £2.10 each

crystals for anxiety
1, Aqua Aura is another “feel better” stone. It helps with negativity, depression and sadness. I’ve got 2 10cm spheres available for £18 each.

2, Sodalite is one of my most recommended stones when it comes to dealing with confusion, mental unrest and fear.

3, Lepidolite is another calming stone. It contains lithium so is wonderful for depression and stress.

4, Moonstone is very soothing and good for the inner self and emotions generally. It brings calm, balance, composure and peace of mind. £2.00 each

5, Howlite is a good stone to have with you if you feel stressed and angry.

Crystals for fear
1, Pyrite is good for your thought process and brings protection while helping with negativity.

2, Snow Quartz brings wisdom and purity. It clears the mind and brings clarity of thought.

3, Hematite is full of strength, love and courage. It’s also good for mental process and thoughts.

4, Snowflake Obsidian is good for bringing peace of mind.

In times of such uncertainty, this can be quite a worrying time for some. With schools closing (or the possibility that they *might* close), people being sent home from work, businesses struggling and friends / family becoming ill, we’re currently on a path of the unknown, which can feel really uncomfortable for some of us. As well as using crystal healing as much as possible, I also recommend doing a bit of regular chakra work to help keep us grounded and balanced, as well as using essential oils / sage / incense.

If you’d like any more information about any of the crystals listed, please do get in touch. Currently we’re still working away as normal, but I’m trying to get everyones orders shipped out within 24 hours of ordering as much as possible “just in case”. Obviously things might change, depending on the governments next moves.

Sending you all love and light,

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