Satin Spar (Selenite) Sticks

£ 5.20

5 in stock


These Satin Spar sticks are perfect for using in your meditation practice, or for keeping by your front door to erase the negative vibes that you might have picked up from people while you’ve been out (Krista Mitchell does a great demo here).

Satin Spar is a must-have for any crystal collection as it has so many healing benefits, like helping with insomnia and other sleep issues, absorbing negative energy and toxic vibes in your environment and a useful crystal to have if you’re an Empath or a Highly Sensitive Person.

It’s also great for cleansing other crystals, but it’s really sensitive to water so make sure it’s not stored anywhere wet or damp.

Sticks measure between 13 and 17cm and weigh 39 – 137g.

But hang on – isn’t this crystal Selenite?

Satin Spar and Selenite are probably the two most mixed up crystals in the crystal world.
They’re actually from the same crystal family, but they’ve formed differently which is when they become either Selenite or Satin Spar.

Selenite is actually rarer than Satin Spar, and it forms in large, flat transparent plates.
Satin Spar is what’s more commonly labelled as Selenite, and is more milky white with the most wonderful sheen when polished.
Because Selenite is the more well-known name, most places and crystal books will still label their pieces as Selenite, when really it’s Satin Spar.

Both have pretty much the same healing benefits, but true Selenite is stronger.
Our Satin Spar pieces will still work in the same way.

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