New Jade (Serpentine) Mini Mushrooms

£ 4.50

4 in stock


New Jade isn’t actually a form of Jade, but a type of light green Serpentine.
It looks similar to Jade, and has very similar properties, but it’s not Jade.

Now we’ve cleared that up, lets get back to what New Jade actually does do.

New Jade brings a wonderfully soft and gentle energy which calms and soothes, bringing tranquillity to help you relax both physically and mentally.

It helps to release fear of change, helping us to look to the future with a positive outlook and it can also help us to connect with the heart of nature and the fairy domains.

New Jade is also believed to boost energy and clears blocked energy centres.

Mushrooms are sold seperately and measure between 1.5 – 2cm each. Due to the natural way crystals form, please make allowances for any difference in patterns and colours.

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