Mangano Calcite Freeform

£ 27.00

Mangano Calcite is one of my ultimate rockstars. It’s a really nurturing, gentle stone that gives of a “motherly” kind of energy – kind, gentle, protective and reassuring.


Mangano Calcite is one of my ultimate rockstars. It’s a really nurturing, gentle stone that gives of a “motherly” kind of energy – kind, gentle, protective and reassuring.

When you spend time with Mangano Calcite, it’s energy connects straight to your heart, helping to soothe heartache, grief, trauma and unprocessed emotions. Mangano helps to provide us with a lesson in vulnerability, and although sometimes it’s easier to avoid what we’re feeling, we need to feel it in order to heal it. This gorgeously pink and white stone helps to nurture us as we work through whatever is troubling our heart.

It’s nurturing energy is also beneficial in healing conflict or trauma between parents and children, encouraging harmony and forgiveness. It’s also said to strengthen the bond between mother and baby, especially if there has been a traumatic birth.

Mangano Calcite is also a fab stone for children, especially those who struggle with seperation anxiety, as it helps them to feel calmer.

When working with this stone, allow yourself to rest, to feel nurtured and to heal. The healing energy is already inside you, you just need to bring it to the surface. If you provide Reiki treatments, or have it as part of your self-care, this is the perfect stone to have alongside you as it activates the healing energy already inside.

Weighs 95g and measures approx 6cm

Want to know more about this stunning pink crystal? Click [here] to read our dedicated blog post where we share all you need to know!

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