
Your Messages for the Week Ahead – 31.01.21

Hi everyone!

It’s been a while since I’ve posted our weekly / monthly messages on the blog, but it’s something that I’m determined to stick to from now on, as it’ll make it easier for you to return to your messages if you ever need to.

The cards this week are for the week ahead, starting from today (31st Jan).

To pick your card, just close your eyes and take a deep breath. As you breathe in, ask “what is my message for the week ahead?”. As you open your eyes, make a note of what card you’re drawn to and read on to find out your message and crystal for the next 7 days.

What card did you pick? Keep reading to see what your message and crystal is for the week ahead, and let me know in the comments if any part of your message resonates with you.
As always, there’s three parts to your message – the main message, core questions for you to think over or journal about and then your crystal action which provides you with an affirmation and a task for you to perform either daily or at some point in the week.

Card one: Angelite.
Support is all around you.
You are not alone. Help and support are always available to you, whether through your friends, family, or guardian angels. Stay open to receiving that comforting energy. Allow others into your life. Reach out when you need your community by your side. Not all of us are comfortable asking for assistance, but trust that others want to help and, in fact, are often grateful to do so. It’s ok to accept, even create, the support system you need and deserve. Even the strongest among us have moments of vulnerability. There is strength in allowing yourself to receive comfort and grow from a place of acceptance. So, the next time someone extends a helping hand, take it with grace and gratitude.

Core questions:
When was the last time you offered help?
When was the last time you asked for help? Do you feel deserving of support?

Crystal action:
Affirmation – “support is all around me.” Today, practice asking for help from a friend, family member, or guardian angel – even for the smallest task.
Card two: Ocean Jasper.
Schedule yourself in.
There’s always a time for “me time.” It’s ok to make yourself a priority.
If you don’t take care of yourself, it’s hard to be available to care for others in an effective and healthy way. Schedule a little time every day to ensure that you are nurturing and nourishing yourself properly. Take a break, and treat yourself in some small way. You’ve earned it! If your day is so full that you can’t schedule 5 minutes for yourself, then schedule 10!
Self-care is not selfish; it’s absolutely necessary in order to be the best version of you.

Core questions:
What do you do for yourself? Do you put yourself last on the to-do list? How can you make yourself more of a priority?

Crystal action:
Affirmation – “I care for myself because I am important.” Today, make a commitment to schedule time for you.
Card three: Fluorite.
Find peace within.
Peace is not something you find “out there”. It comes from within. There’s no need to wait for the whirlwind of life to stand still, and you don’t even need to reach internal stillness to tap into it. Peace means the acceptance of your circumstances and the conviction of your beliefs. You can act and find solace when you are at peace with your decisions. By choosing peace, you can tune out external disturbances and embrace a calmer state of being, so you can go about your daily life and confront any challenge.

Core questions:
What allows you to tap into a state of inner peace? What does peace look like for you? How can you show up to life from a state of peace?

Crystal action:
Affirmation – “I live in a state of peace.” Whenever you see a mirror, take a deep breath and repeat your affirmation. Bring this peaceful state of being to all your activities.

So those are this week’s messages – has your card provided you with some guidance?

You can find all our Angelite items here
Our Fluorite items are here
The Crystal Inspiration cards are available here (and they’re on offer!)

Whatever you get up to this week, I hope you find the time to notice the sparkle and magic <3 stay safe and thank you to everyone who took part this week.
This post will also be featured on our blog as from now so that you can refer back to it at any point in the week.

Love and light,

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