Our Messages for the Week Ahead – 8th March
As it’s Sunday, it’s time to find out what our messages are for the month ahead.
Looking at the image below, close your eyes and take a deep breath. Ask “what is my message for the week ahead?”. Open your eyes and the card you’re first drawn to contains your weekly message.
Keep reading to find out what your card says. No peeping before you’ve picked your card though
Card 1 – Sun. Enjoy success and happiness.
Know that doors are opening for you. Follow up new projects, ventures and ideas. Connect with the inner fire that is driving you forward.
You are being surrounded by the brightness of the Sun at this time. Opportunities to feel and be successful are swirling and dancing around you. Relationships and friendships progress with joy and you will feel happy and uplifted. If you’re not somewhere bright and sunny right now, there will be other ways in which you can enjoy warmth and joy. Solar energy brings health and vitality and can energize and warm, and it also encourages things to grow. The energy of expansion is with you at this time and you are being offered the perfect opportunity to move forward. If you want to bring something to life or are ready to take a new step in a relationship, the Sun will bring the right energy to you. If you are asking a question, the answer is most definately YES!
Card 2 – Peacekeeper. Let go of the need to be right.
Choose peace and happiness iver the need to be right. Rather than trying to prove a point, save your energy for what’s important.
You may be feeling on edge due to a stressful situation. There’s a warrior within you that wants to ride up, prove your point and get the truth across. But you’re being reminded by ancestor wisdom that truth will always be revealed in the end. It’s more important at this time to avoid arguements or heated discussions where you know you’ll be fighting a losing battle. There is much more power in choosing to move forward from a higher perspective. This will allow you to connect deeply to the guidance within and the intuition that will lead you towards the healing of the whole situation, along with any wounds it may have inflicted on you.
Choose peace – you know it’s calling you!
Card 3 – Drum. Dream and journey.
Journey inwards to onvover insights and information that will be important for your path. Then follow the guidance.
You are very connected to the other worlds at this time. The wisdom and intelligence of the Earth and her magic surrounds you. The Drum, which echoes the sound of Mother Earth’s heartbeat, has cleared the cobwebs and dust from your inner vision. What you have seen in your dreams and inner vvision is not imagination but guidance, particularly if it has been coming to you repeatedly, and has the potential to become reality.
Dreams come true – know it and live it!
So how was your message for the week ahead? Does it resonate or provide a curveball?
Let me know in the comments or over on our Facebook page.
Thank you to everyone who’s taken part this week, and to the cards for their messages.
Our Messages for March
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