Our Messages for March
What does March hold in store for us?
Have a look at the three cards below. Close your eyes, take a deep breath and ask “what is my message for March?”. When you reopen your eyes, note which number card you’re instantly drawn to – this card will hold your message.
Card number one: Wise One. Grow within your current situation.
Knuckle down. Be reliable and committed. Be open to wisdom and insights from your elders.
The wise one represents the wisest aspect of the Goddess – The Crone. In pagenism and modern Wicca, the Crone is the fiercest, most psychic and most aware aspect of the Goddess, because she has been through many of life’s challenges and overcome many setbacks. On this card the raven in her hands represents the capacity to overcome the darker times and be reborn again and again. So she helps you to tap into wisdome to overcome whatever life throws at you – wisdom being the information stored in your soul, rather than the knowledge aquired in this lifetime – and to learn from the experience of your elders.
The wisdom of the Wise One is based on something that the younger generation is often lacking: commitment and reliability.
When this card appears, you are being guided to continue working on your growth and expansion within your current situation. Be committed to your tasks and projects. It can be very easy to get bored or overwhelmed, but persevere. You are being reminded of how it feels to be let down and experience unreliability – and that is not who you were born to be. So keep working on what you’re working on, because it’s going to be extremely beneeficial for you in the long run.
Card number two: Snake. Shed Old Skin.
Cast off the old. Reveal your true colours, talents and gifts to the world.
In many spiritual traditions, the snake offers powerful medicine. On tantric teachings, it symbolizes the kundalini, which is the powerful serpentine energy within that allows you to reach your highest spiritual potential. When the sacred ones saw a snake in nature or encountered one in a dream, they knew that there was a transformation in the air.
The snake card not only represents the shedding of old skin, but moving beyond the limitations caused by carrying the venom of negative thoughts about others or in the past.
The energy of renewal is washing over your life at this time. If for some reason you feel that your true self hasn’t been recognised or you’ve been missed by others, know that this energy is now leaving you. As you’ve been working through your old stories and all the self limiting beliefs that you’ve accumulated along the way, you’ve been peeling away at a shield of skin that has created limiting experiences. Your own personal commitment to growth has been recognised and now the external world will begin to reflect all of the work that you’ve been doing within. If you feel someone you love has misunderstood you recently, they will be able to see beyond that if you’re willing to recognize your own challenges.
This is a time for renewal, abundance and connection. Let yourself be reborn and celebrated.
Card number 3: Knight. Be brave and honest.
Do the right thing, even if it isn’t the easiest option. Stand for what you know to be right and true.
The Knight is a knight in shining armour, dedicated to the crown that his sword defends. In this sense, he is a protector of the Holy Grail and therefore of your spiritual growth and expantion. He represents the warrior in you – whether you are male or female, that energy is within you. His sword and armour show that he is courageous and strong, but if you look closely you will see he has a tear running down his face, showing his willingness to be vulnerable and his love for what he protects.
The energy of respect is important right now. You are being encouraged to figure out what is important to you and what you stand for. If you are in a space where there’s opposition, you are being guided to follow through with integrity, because even if it seems this will slow your progress, your rewards will be much more abundant. You are being surrounded by a light of bravery to help you.
This card also brings justice. If you are longing for justice, please know that the universal energies are working to bring everything back into order and that you don’t need to force anything through with your will. If you’ve made any mistakes recently, it’s important to take ownership of them so that you can align yourself with improving the situation. If you’re feeling the need to defend your spiritual path at this time, back down and let it protect you.
So what card did you pick? Let me know in the comments either below or on our Facebook page, and let me know if the message resonated with you.
Have a fabulous March filled with love and light.
Cards used this week – Kyle Gray Angels and Ancestors. Available through my Amazon affiliate link
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