Messages for the week – 5/01/20
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It’s time for our messages for the week ahead.
To find out what your message is, close your eyes and empty your head of all thoughts. When you’re ready, open your eyes and whatever card your drawn to in the image below will contain your message.
Scroll down to see what your chosen card says for you.
Card one – Elder. Move beyond Ancestral patterns.
Move beyond the limitations that have been set for you by family members past and present. Know that the energy of your spirit is more powerful than genetics and behavioural patterns.
The Elder is the Ancestor who comes with a message of healing change. He is an embodied soul, yet he has had journeys that go beyond the physical, therefore he represents a reclamation of power. When he appears, its an acknowledgement that you have the capacity to move beyond the limitations that have been placed upon you. If you have had expectations of success, failure, sadness or even sickness placed upon you by your family, it’s important to know that you are here to create your own story.
This card represents personal healing that will bring healing to your family lineage, past, present and future. Know that YOU get to decide what you take on. And also know that your Ancestors are rooting for you and are sorry for any setbacks they have created for you.
Card two – Moon. Take note of intuitive messages.
Use your intuition. Practice discernment. See through illusions and blockages.
Lunar energies are surrounding your life, allowing you to understand what is standing in your way. Not everything is as it seems and you are being guided to use your discernment. When the moon appears, intuitive or psychic urges are increased, so take note of any feelings arising at this time – they are messages from your soul and angels.
The moon shines her light on all that has been kept in the dark, so ask yourself if you are avoiding anything or refusing to deal with something of importance. If so, it could be holding you in the shadows when your destiny is to be in the light.
If this card appears when you know someone isn’t being completely real with you, know that their intentions will be revealed to you. The moon has no secrets – she reveals all.
Card three – Eagle. See from a higher perspective.
Look at things from a different angle. Fly higher and see new possibilities.
When the Eagle card appears, it shows that you have a real ability to take things higher and to move beyond the limitations of your ego and your selfish desires.
Eagle medicine swirls around you, encouraging you to recognise that your views or vision may be limited at this time. Is there a chance that your own desperation, needs or ego could be blocking you from seeing the potential in your current situation? If there are other people involved, you are being guided to see things from everyone’s perspective. If you are feeling the need for something to change, how can you take the higher road? Know that if you have intentions that aren’t for the highest good, it will only hold you back. Eagle medicine can help you change this. The Eagle brings the energy of healing and love directly from the heart of Father Sky and invites you to do all things from a place of love.
How does your chosen message fit in with your current path for the week ahead? Does it throw in a bit of a curve ball, or offer some relief? Let me know in the comments below, or over on our Facebook page.
Thank you so much to everyone who chose a number this week – don’t forget to say thank you to the Angel and Ancestors for giving you the message above.
**Cards used this week: Angels and Ancestors Deck by Kyle Gray – you can find out more or place an order here **
Wishing you an amazing week ahead.

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