Messages for the Week – 26/01/20
Sunday again?! Ah well…. at least that means it’s time for our weekly messages!
To take part in this week’s messages, have a quick glance at the 3 Oracle Cards above, close your eyes and take a deep breath before repeating “what’s my message for the week ahead”. Open your eyes and the first card you see is the one that contains your message.
Scroll down to see what your card says for the week ahead.
Card 1: A New Earth.
It’s happening. Keep holding the vision.
Don’t give up now, you’re closer than you think. I know it’s hard to keep the frequency of a new age when it feels as if so much is crumbling and so many are losing faith. This is your sign that you’re facing the right direction. You have a great gift in being able to see the potential of things before they exist. Tend to the new seeds – dream them into existence. Don’t lose faith now, keep your focus fixed.
Planting new seeds and bringing about a shift of the ages is no mean feat. It requires extreme trust and a radical vision. If you pisk this card, it’s a reminder to have faith! You chose to be here, to be part of this global shift. Whether you’re bringing it about through prayer and meditation or through working on a new project, job or creation, keep going. It’s happening so don’t give up now.
The woorld needs more dreamers like you. More people with hope in their hearts. The road ahead may not be plain sailing…. ushering in a new age in times of change never is. You’re being encouraged to remember that what you’ve been working toward for so long is almost here. Don’t question yourself now. Don’t waver. Dig your devotion deep. For if you do, in the not too distant future, you’ll be able to sit back and watch all that you’ve carefully planted and nurtured grow and bloom.
It’s possible. Keep focusing on your dreams. You’re closer than you think.
How can you keep holding the vision?
Card 2: Big picture thinking.
Pleiades energy. Visionary. Inspired ideas.
The pleiadeans are our cosmic cousins. They’re here to remind us that it’s never too late to learn new things and change the future. You’re being called to be a visionary for the planet. To take a breath, shake off what you’ve been taught about the world, and hold a new vision for humanity.
You’re likely a natural big-picture thinker, here to generate ideas for the future. Here to birth a new age and dream a new world into being. The future will be woven by dream-makers like you. By those with enough courage to question the way things have been and invisage new possibilities for the planet.
The world needs more artiists, dreamers, inventors, and visionary thinkers. Perhaps you’ve had an idea recently that you’ve been called to usher in. If so, this card is your confiirmation that it is divinely guided.
The pleiadeans support us in this important stage in Earth’s development. They want us to know that the decisions that we make today will affect the wellbeing of our planet and all its species. They’re calling on you to be a leader of the future. To hold a clear vision of what’s possible. To trust that vision and follow it through with daily action. To dream a new world into being. To hold your mind open and try not to worry about what others think. For it takes great courage to pave a new path – to trust a vision before it’s a reality.
How are you being called to step up and lead? What new ideas or creations are you being called to pursue?
Card 3: Lost Lands.
Soul memories and gifts. You’ve done this before.
The world is far more ancient than our documented history suggests. As souls, many of us have experienced ancient eras on this planet that were much more advanced than ours today. As we begin to remember these times, the rememberings and gifts can come flooding back.
At this stage in Earth’s timeline, we need the wisdom of the ancients to survive as a species. You’re being called to connect with the lost wisdom of your own soul. If you feel guided to make a change in your life – to step into a new career path, birth a creation, or bring an idea to life – but feel unprepared, this card is calling you to consider that you’ve done this before. Perhaps your sould has wisdom beyond what your lifespan can imagine. Perhaps the intuitive hits and ideas you’re receiving are divinely guided. Perhaps you’ve been preparing for this time.
Some think that the Lost Lands exist in the past; others believe they exist today, in a different dimension. Many believe these ancient lands also exist in the souls of those who experience them. If this card comes to you, perhaps the wisdom of lost lands such as Lemuria, Atlantis and Avalon exist within you. And through surrendering to the intelligence of your soul you can unlock the seeds of these ancient lands so we can all learn from our mistakes and usher in a new age.
Place your hand on the portal of your heart and whisper:
“I unlock any forgotten wisdom and soul gifts from lifetimes past.”
So how was this weeks message for you? Does it match your current path?
Let me know in the comments or over on our Facebook page.
Cards used this week are The Starseed Oracle deck by Rebecca Campbell & Danielle Noel. You can order them here via our affiliate link (shopping via this link means we will earn a couple of pennies from your order via Amazon. This doesn’t affect your payment or ordering process).
Thank you to all who have taken part this week, and please don’t forget to thank the cards for thie message!
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