Spacemasks and Migraines – My Spacemasks Review
Lately, because of the increased workload spent in front of either my phone or laptop, I’ve had an insane increase in eye stress and migraines.
The current one has so far been going on for over 7 days.
I’d recently started stocking Spacemasks, which are Jasmine infused, warming up, cotton eye masks, and I’d been debating with myself about if I should use one or not, as they’re rumoured to be great for easing headaches, migraines and eye stress.
After my 5th day of trying to battle through, I decided that what’s the point of having these things in stock, if I don’t use one when I desperately need to #PerksOfTheJob.
When I opened the packet (the eye masks are individually wrapped) I was hit with a very gentle yet incredibly soothing scent of Jasmine. It wasn’t too strong that it was overpowering, like some products can be, but it was enough to make me instantly relaxed! And I’d not even put it on at that point lol.
I turned the lights out, hooked the Spacemask over my ears with the soft ear loops, laid on the bed and let it get to work.
After a few seconds, I felt the Spacemask get slightly warmer – it’s a slow process, so it built up to a nice, warm, comfortable heat, which, added with the gentle Jasmine lead to the most relaxing experience that I’d had in a long time.
I practiced deep breathing and eventually I was even drifted away to sleepy-town! No noises phazed me in the slightest, and it honestly felt like I was wrapped up in a big fluffy cloud!
The heat lasted for roughly 30/35 minutes, and whilst that is a one-time effect, my spacemask has been on my bedside cabinet for the last 3 days and you can still smell the Jasmine, so you can use it without the heat, more than once.
I can honestly say that when I woke up and the heat effect wore off, I felt incredibly at ease and relaxed. If you’ve ever had the most amazing massage or incredible reiki session, that’s exactly how I felt after using the Spacemask. And amazingly, my migraine had instantly faded.
That was on Sunday evening, and it’s only today (Wednesday) that my migraine is coming back, and that’s because I’ve had quite a bit of work to do again.
I’m so in love with these masks, and I’ll definately be adding them into my self-care routine from now on as a special treat! And as an added bonus, all the packaging is recyclable, even the individual wrapping!
To find out more about Spacemasks or to place an order, please click HERE to be taken to our webshop.
Have you tried Spacemasks before? If so, what did you think? Leave a comment below (or a review in our shop) to let us know how you got on with them.